Collection: Dementia friendly murals for doors and walls

In our store you can purchase dementia friendly door murals and wall decals. If you purchase multiple items, you will receive a good discount.

We can adapt them to the size of your doors and walls in dementia units and care homes, Alzheimer's special care units (SCUs) (also called memory care units). Our door murals for dementia units are ready to peel and stick.

Door wraps

Memory care facilities can consider two types of door wraps. First, murals that assist residents in recognizing their rooms and reducing wandering. Second, wraps designed for concealment to minimize the number of missing person alerts.

  • Distinctive door decals make care home less confusing for residents with dementia. Customization helps residents recognize door to their own room, facility says.
  • Disguised exit doors for Alzheimer’s patients. Adding images to exit doors can prevent exit seeking behavior for dementia patients in memory care facilities.
    Individuals with dementia often experience a desire to wander and leave the facility where they reside. This behavior is known as "exit-seeking." Approximately half of dementia patients in care facilities exhibit this behavior at some point. While wandering out of a facility poses safety concerns, it also places stress on caregivers. To address this, safeguards can be implemented. One effective technique is to optimize the living space through environmental design.
    Our doors for people with dementia camouflage doors and keep your residents safely inside. Think bookshelves door murals that look like a piece of furniture. Or a stone wallpaper that looks like a wall. Create memory care door decals (exit diversion door wraps) from murals in our shop.

Wall decals and wallpaper

Wall murals for dementia units can greatly enhance the environment, providing comfort and stimulation for residents. Our wallpaper are a great idea for decorating dementia unit.

  • Nature Scenes. Tranquil landscapes with trees, flowers, and gentle streams. Seasonal changes like spring blossoms, summer meadows, autumn leaves, and winter snow. Calming colors and familiar natural elements to evoke a sense of peace.
  • Garden Themes. Lush garden scenes with colorful flowers, butterflies, and birds. Elements like garden paths, benches, and fountains. Creates a serene and inviting atmosphere.
  • Animal Companions. Murals featuring friendly animals like dogs, cats, birds, or farm animals. Scenes of animals in natural settings or playful poses. Brings a sense of joy and companionship.
  • Fantasy and Whimsy. Enchanting scenes like fairy tale forests, magical castles, or whimsical villages. Bright, cheerful colors and imaginative elements. Adds a touch of wonder and delight.
  • Underwater World. Vibrant underwater scenes with fish, coral reefs, and sea creatures. Gentle waves and bubbles to create a calming effect. A sense of exploration and adventure.

These ideas can help create a comforting and engaging environment for residents in dementia units, enhancing their quality of life and well-being.

Themes: Senior Living Center, Aged Care Environment.